In a small unknown town, a bored, 16-year-old girl starts to create a website while she is procrastinating her homework. It starts out as a joke however, her passion for finishing things compels her to finish and even publish a website. Unbeknownst to her though, while she is creating, a local boy starts researching some of her information and discovers that almost all of her resources and details are plagiarized. Furious, the boy straight out accuses the girl of plagiarism but as she denies any relation to other website sources, he dives into desperate measures. The law is contacted and the tension increases. Parents and friends are called to give statements on both behalves to try and prove that either one is less of a liar than the other. During this time, the girl decides to make brownies, another alternative she decides is worthy of her attention besides homework. It takes approximately two hours for them to cook and while she waits, a book calls to her from the shelf. Her mother, God bless her soul, feels sympathetic that she must be accused of this horrible crime and takes her out shopping. The first stop of course, and anyone who disagrees will be persecuted, is Kawartha Diary's icecream store. Its delicious taste is unparalleled and its flavours are unique and tasty.
An unexpected turn of events causes this pleasant detour to derail off the train tracks into the local store. Once they arrive, a sudden tsunami erupts from a nearby pond and drowns all of the inhabitants. Thankfully, the store's dog, Blorgus, was rescued and is now up for sale. As you can see in the picture below, he is a well-trained purebreed designed for the company of others. Fortunately for the girl and her mother, God bless her soul, they were just pulling in when the tsunami hit and were equipped with the finest surfboards known to man which led to their survival, as well as the 10 years of swimming lessons that the girl dreadfully regretted at the time but was thankful in this instance for (To not confuse the reader, the girl hated swimming lessons directly after this problem was resolved).
Of course, the boy, being on top of things and wanting the most out of this accusation, accused the girl of plagiarizing this story and suing her for a small loan of $1 million dollars to help pay for his university. Little did he know, the girl with which he was fighting was the daughter of the billion dollar company Stark Industries, a nationwide known weapons business that secretly dealt with assassinations and the admittance of non-qualifying adults to teach within small schools (particularly in the music section next to a wonderful teacher). This worked to the girl's advantage, and the boy mysteriously disappeared the next day. Professionals from the Stark Industries couldn't find any evidence evidently. How curious.
And so, the girl was set free of charges and continued to create her "non-plagiarized" website, enjoying life and eating brownies. Let this be a life lesson to not judge a book by its cover.
Take care of yourselves, and don't forget "keep smiling and all will be okay" :)